Tuesday 27 February 2018

Do You Think Your Meter Has Been Read Wrongly Because Your Power Bill Is So High?

Have you received an unusually high bill for this quarter? Its happens to everyone and you can’t help but wonder if the meter reader has read it wrongly and overcharged you. What can you do? Well in Western Australia we has a provider called Western Power who read or estimate your meter usage to determine the amount of power units used. If they can’t access your meter it gets estimated with varying results. Avoid your meter being estimated and install a viewing window and Synery meter box lock or some refer to them as a western power meterbox lock. You have two types of meters for electricity. A newer type that’s digital and an old type which uses dials.

How do I read my dial meter?
Clock-face dial meters have four, five or six dials, which alternate in direction. To read these meters:
  • Stand directly in front of the meter
  • Starting from the right, read each dial and write down the figures
  • When a dial hand points between two numbers, write down the lower of the two
  • If the hand points between 0 and 1 write down 0, but if the hand points between 0 and 9, write down 9
For example, the reading in diagram 1 is 2-70-3-8, that is, 27,038 kilowatt hours (units). 
  • When a dial hand appears to be exactly on a number as on dial (D) in diagram 2, look at dial (C) to the right
  • If the hand on dial (C) has not passed 0, the number 5 has not actually been reached on dial (D) and the reading on that dial is the next lower number, 4
  • The reading in diagram 2 is 0-4-9-8-1. That is 4,981 kilowatt hours (units)

How do I read my digital meter?

The electro-mechanical digital display meters have a six-digit display similar to the odometer of your car. To read these meters you simply write down the figures that are displayed.
Diagram 3 Meterboxlock offers meterbox security locks for residential and commercial properties in Perth. Please contact our team with any queries you may have. Call today - 0416044420.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Important Things to Know About Synergy Meter Box Lock Installation

Have you ever wondered how life would be if there were no burglars or unwanted intruders? The first thing you would think of is you will not require any locks for your house. However, that is not the case and it is very unfortunate that you not only have to keep the lock of your house safe, but also the lock for the meter box. It is quite strange, but tampered locks on meter boxes are not very uncommon these days. Don’t think that burglars attempt to destroy the meter box. The main reason why these locks get damaged over time is because they are not used for months and years. Since you do not have to check the meter every now and then, you do not worry about the lock on the box. Installing Synergy Meterbox Lock will help keep the meter box secure and no one will be able to mess with it. There are numerous service providers around that would be more than happy to install the lock. Here are few things that you need to keep in mind while going for meter box lock installation:

  • Repair and New Installation – There are times when you may not need to get a new lock installed for the meter box. Depending on the type of damage done, a simple repair service would be enough to fix things. Before hiring the service provider do confirm the type of service that will be required. An experienced locksmith will be able to identify the problem instantly. Also, if the locks needs complete replacement and a new one has to be installed, the locksmith must have adequate tools to install the lock. Use of latest tools will make sure that the installation is done properly. 
  • Information About New Locks – Locksmiths are the best people who have detailed information all the new locks that are in the market. So, if there is a need to get a new lock installed for your meter box, always try to get the latest lock. You can follow this tip for other locks in the house as well because new locks come with added features and better security.

Tuesday 20 February 2018


Getting to any new job for an installation is always different. Depending on the box location, the suburb where it’s located in or the residents who occupy the property. There is often some crazy and bewildering things in them. In Western Australia we have Synergy, ATCO Gas and Western Power who are our energy suppliers. All have qualified meter readers who must appreciate it when  a viewing window is installed and an approved Synergy meter box lock or some call the a Western Power meter box Lock is fitted. As they no longer have to open the door to your meter box and can avoid the often dangerous things living inside. The top 5 things of interest I’ve seen in a meter box are…….

1. A remote control for the owners garage door. This gives an intruder instant access to your home as there is usually an adjoining door entering into your home. This is almost asking to be broken into. 

2. Dismembered dolly, with the head sitting on the meter and the legs  and arms spread throughout the rest of the meter box. 

3. A spare key to the owners front door! That’s crazy, don’t do this

4. A scorpion! I didn’t think they would hang out in a meter box , but yes apparently they do.

5. A nesting female REDBACK SPIDER. The mum was raising lots and lots of little ones in there. The hatchlings were running around all over the place. So ideally a western power meter box lock won’t keep the creepy crawlies out, but it will help and will also make your meter reader a lot happier.There is something very appealing to a deadly spider about a meter box. I think it’s the warm, protected environment and an abundant food supply. So take caution whenever opening a meter box as you just don’t know what you will find.
Meterboxlock offers meterbox security locks for residential and commercial properties in Perth. Please contact our team with any queries you may have. Call today -  0416044420

Thursday 1 February 2018

Tips On Painting Your Meter Box Lock

If you have grown tired of putting up with an ugly looking meter box cover and have had enough. You will appreciate with a couple of hour’s effort what a change a coat of paint will do. If its paint is peeling or your seeing signs of rust it time to get out your brush and give it some attention. www.meterboxlock.com.au 

So a DIY list is as follows                                                                                                                             
  • 1x Drop Sheet
  • 1x Medium size brush
  • 1x Roll of blue painters tape
  • 1 can of oil based super enamel paint
  • Sandpaper or Electric sander
  • Gloves 
  • Old Rag
  • Old clothes
To begin with make sure the weather is not going to rain all day. Then you can start to tape newspaper around the edge of the box and underneath behind the pipes as well. Use more than you think and make a protective barrier bigger than you would normally if you were using water based paint. Spills with oil based will be hard to remove off a brick or weatherboard wall. 

When you have covered the surrounding areas begin sanding off all the rust or old paint back to metal. A hand scrapper is useful for stubborn paint. Clean off surface and apply a first coat of super enamel paint. Allow several hours break and then apply the second coat of paint to the pipes and meter box. Now you have given your meter box lock en extra few years of service and the whole thing will only cost approximately $25.00.