Tuesday 20 February 2018


Getting to any new job for an installation is always different. Depending on the box location, the suburb where it’s located in or the residents who occupy the property. There is often some crazy and bewildering things in them. In Western Australia we have Synergy, ATCO Gas and Western Power who are our energy suppliers. All have qualified meter readers who must appreciate it when  a viewing window is installed and an approved Synergy meter box lock or some call the a Western Power meter box Lock is fitted. As they no longer have to open the door to your meter box and can avoid the often dangerous things living inside. The top 5 things of interest I’ve seen in a meter box are…….

1. A remote control for the owners garage door. This gives an intruder instant access to your home as there is usually an adjoining door entering into your home. This is almost asking to be broken into. 

2. Dismembered dolly, with the head sitting on the meter and the legs  and arms spread throughout the rest of the meter box. 

3. A spare key to the owners front door! That’s crazy, don’t do this

4. A scorpion! I didn’t think they would hang out in a meter box , but yes apparently they do.

5. A nesting female REDBACK SPIDER. The mum was raising lots and lots of little ones in there. The hatchlings were running around all over the place. So ideally a western power meter box lock won’t keep the creepy crawlies out, but it will help and will also make your meter reader a lot happier.There is something very appealing to a deadly spider about a meter box. I think it’s the warm, protected environment and an abundant food supply. So take caution whenever opening a meter box as you just don’t know what you will find.
Meterboxlock offers meterbox security locks for residential and commercial properties in Perth. Please contact our team with any queries you may have. Call today -  0416044420

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